Maxillofacial Trauma

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Maxillofacial Trauma

There are a number of possible causes of facial trauma. Motor vehicle accidents, accidental falls, sports injuries, interpersonal violence and work related injuries. Types of facial injuries can range from injuries of teeth to extremely severe injuries of the skin and bones of the face. Typically, facial injuries are classified as soft tissue injuries (skin and gums), bone injuries (fractures), or injuries to special regions (such as the eyes, facial nerves or the salivary glands).

Facial injuries have the potential to cause disfigurement and loss of function; for example, blindness or difficulty in moving the jaw. Facial trauma can also be deadly, because it can cause severe bleeding or interference with the airway thus a primary concern in treatment is ensuring that the airway is open and not threatened so that the patient can breathe. Hence, a patient with maxillofacial trauma requires the assistance of various medical specialties. SMILE HUB has a dedicated team of skilled maxillofacial surgeons, with all the team members having special skills to handle maxillofacial trauma. The maxillofacial team is an integral part of the trauma team at SMILE HUB, thus ensuring comprehensive trauma care.

All the surgeries are done via intraoral incisions if facial incisions are required, all such incisions are placed within the hair line or in skin creases so as to avoid visible scars so most of the trauma surgery is "scar less".

Soft Tissue Injuries of Face

When soft tissue injuries such as lacerations or deep abrasions with skin loss occur on the face, they are repaired by suturing, skin grafts or mobilising local and distant tissues. In addition to the obvious concern of providing a repair that yields the best cosmetic result possible, care is taken to inspect for and treat injuries to structures such as facial nerves, salivary glands and salivary ducts (or outflow channels). We are well-trained oral and maxillofacial surgeons and are proficient at diagnosing and treating all types of facial lacerations.

A severe laceration may sometimes require general anaesthesia to properly identify cut nerves and provide a stable condition for operative closure. Laceration of face requires meticulous closure of wound which is accomplished in an operating room setting for best aesthetic and functional results.